Wednesday 27 January 2010

substance consumption (various)

As we are going to look in some detail about drugs , I thought it would be both relevant and interesting to explore the idea of addiction it's self. We could question whether we are born with addiction, that it is a gene .
Or that it is something that manifests it's self in our lives, because of our life choices and personal circumstances. Is addiction an indulgence or is it a disease?


  1. hi i think drug addiction was very relevant to this evening lecture on bad behaviour if you think people sell their bodys for sex to feed a drug habit or seal to get away for all sorts of problems, some time shopping lifting its self can become very addictive.

  2. good points made in both comments. Is addiction something you are born with? In my opinion, unless you are baby born of a drug addict, it is something you 'grow into' through life. People who's lives are difficult and maybe to painful to face are more vulnerable, turning to anything that makes life more bearable. Such as, drink, drugs, smoking and maybe even theft, such a low opinion of themselves, sad.

  3. I believe addiction is a disease, a very real and dangerous disease. To me addiction is horrible as its takes away our free will. of course we do have free will all the time, but an addiction psychologically I believe takes away our free will and makes us depend and be permanatley attached to the addictive substance. I know this will sound funny but to some people addiction is like air, say you lived without air but suddenly you tried air and you couldn't survive without it, so what im trying to say is addictive substances become things we can not live without.
