Thursday, 22 April 2010

lying , it's better than a slap in the face

I tell lies all the time , when someone asks me how old they are I automatically take five years of what I think . When someone asks me if their bum looks big I never say no its your whole body that looks fat . Telling lies is part of a civil society , what we do govern is what we lie about and the reason for it . I would like to think I'd never tell a big lie but you can never say never . A time may come when I think the use of a large lie is warranted.Is lying really being bad or is it being kind .

1 comment:

  1. Jodie, remind me never to ask you if my ass looks fat!! But seriously i agree totally with this, i have a problem with telling people the truth though, (does my bum look big in this....errrr yeah) maybe i should conform to the norm of society and tell a few lies.
